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Install your own glazing films: anti-heat, opacifying, ...

Head in the clouds: opt for sun protection!

Realization September 08, 2020 2020-09-08T08:00:00+08:00
Window film

Working in a building is great, but when the summer sun beats down on the windows, the ordeal has only just begun! Thanks to our solar protection films, the occupants of this large tower in Lyon can look forward to their summer with peace of mind!

Problem encountered:
In large cities with business districts, such as Lyon, it is very common to see this type of building in the urban landscape.
This type of architecture consumes a lot of energy and is overexposed to the heat in summer, with its large glass walls, and solar protection becomes inevitable for the well-being of the occupants.

Luminis Films Solution:
In order to limit its energy consumption, our client wanted to apply an ultra-efficient solar protection film, which enables it to reject up to 90% of solar energy!
> GLASS-210x

Result obtained:
Thanks to this solar protection film, you can now enjoy an interior that is several degrees cooler than the exterior in hot weather!

If you also want to protect yourself from the heat without choosing the option of air conditioning, discover without delay our selection of anti-heat films.

Fight against the heat