written by Alice O.
How do I clean window film?
Our tips on how to care for window film.
Installing window film doesn't mean you have to change the way you clean your windows.
In fact, it's as easy as pie! Find out below how to clean your window film so it lasts as long as possible. 🧼

How often should I clean my windows with window film?
The most important thing is to leave your glass alone for 1 month after installing the film. This will give the film time to dry properly, and ensure that it won't move again.
Then you can clean your windows as frequently as before 👌 Once a week, once a month, it's up to you. There are no constraints.
Good glazing maintenance starts with efficient equipment.

Which soap to use?
Choose a mild, abrasive product. Avoid aggressive products such as acetone, nail polish remover... A little soap and water is all you need for effective, gentle cleaning.
You can also use industrial window cleaners, just make sure they're not too aggressive to protect the plastic film.

What equipment do I need to clean my windows properly?
To properly maintain your window films, you need the right equipment:
- A window scraper
- A sponge (non-greasy side)
- A window scraper
- A soft cloth
- Soapy water or mild cleaning solution
The same equipment you use to clean your windows without film, in fact! 😉
You'll find all this equipment in our installation products and accessories.