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Liquid crystal frosted film

  • Available
  • Product number : SMART-FILM

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Minimum billing of 1.00 m² per cut




  • Innovative technology to control the transparency of your glass walls
  • Privacy in OFF mode
  • Transparency and full light in ON mode
  • Works day and night
  • Application on all existing glazing
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Detailed description

This liquid crystal frosted film is a big hit thanks to its innovative technology that allows you to choose the type of opacity of your glass walls. You can now control the opacity of your glass remotely with a remote control or a switch. No need to change your glass, the liquid crystal film can be installed on any type of existing glass.

Need privacy? Just press a button and in less than 1 second, the liquid crystal effect will come into action and opacify your glass for a frosted appearance. You will thus benefit from a reduction of the vis-à-vis ideal in the sensitive or public places.

Your meeting, appointment or interview is over? Turn the LCD film ON to turn it into a frosted look for full transparency and visibility! The film is a polymer with an unmatched transparency allowing more than 80% of light to pass through.

The installation of liquid crystal film is particularly appreciated in offices with a reception area, meeting rooms, cash registers visible from the outside, banks but also in our homes. You can therefore isolate yourself from the eyes whenever you need to or take advantage of the hardly transparency of your windows.

How does it work? In the OFF position, the liquid crystal frosted film takes on a completely frosted appearance because the film is not supplied with electricity and the liquid crystal molecules disperse in all directions, redirecting the light and creating a frosted effect. Whereas in the ON position, the molecules line up with the electric current, making the glass wall completely transparent.

Your package will consist of the liquid-crystal film in the exact dimensions, plus a remote control for changing modes and a transformer. The film must be connected to electricity. To do this, it is fitted with electrical lugs on 1 or 2 sides, depending on the project. These lugs are visible on the film, so you'll need to conceal them: if you're renovating, you can use a trunking, for example; if you're manufacturing, plan for this in the joinery project.

Technical characteristics :

  • Thickness: 540 microns
  • Maximum height: 3200mm
  • Maximum width: 1520mm
  • UV absorbed: >99%.
  • IR rejected (OFF mode): >90%.
  • Light transmission ON : >82% OFF : >50
  • Operating temperature: from -20°C to 70°C
  • Voltage and frequency: 220 V / 50 Hertz
  • Power consumption : ~ 7 Watts / M2
  • Response time: less than 20 ms
  • Lifetime : > 50 000 h (avoid +24h continuously)
  • Transformer dimensions: 20 cm x 14 cm x 6 cm

Ref product : SMARTFILM

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Our products are printed and cut in our workshop in Villars-les-Dombes. We offer exclusive collections with designs created and printed in our studio. Every product ordered on our website is made to the customer's measurements, with no possibility of retraction. Perceived color may vary from screen to screen. Before ordering, test our free samples! And avoid being dissatisfied or making a mistake 😉
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Whatever your project, the application tools and accessories offered by Luminis Films will be very useful for the success of your application! Adhesive films, electrostatic films, decorative coatings... each product has its own associated application material. Thanks to these accessories, give yourself the opportunity to apply your Luminis Films film or coating and obtain a clean and precise result by following all our application tutorials!

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Frequently asked questions

  • How do I apply window film?

    With a little patience and attention to detail, and by following the installation instructions carefully, you can install your window film yourself. For large surfaces (bay windows, for example), we recommend two people.

    Find out how to apply self-adhesive films in this article.

    Discover the electrostatic film installation tutorial in this article.

    If you don't want to do the installation yourself, don't hesitate to ask for a quote.

  • What's the difference between opaque and frosted film?

    The frosted film opacifies while allowing light to pass through, for maximum luminosity.

    The opaque film will opacify and stop the passage of light: you'll lose luminosity.

  • Can I order a specific cut (round, half-sphere, etc.)?

    Yes, we can. All you have to do is go to the quotation form, and indicate :

    • The product reference concerned
    • Type of glazing
    • Glazing dimensions
    • Whether or not you need an installation service
  • How can I see without being seen?

    Two-way mirror effect films allow you to see without being seen, when the light is stronger outside than inside.

    It works by balancing the light: the mirror effect is always on the brighter side.

  • How do I apply a frosted liquid crystal film?

    We recommend using the installation service, as it's a bit technical. If you'd like to do it yourself, follow the link to this step-by-step video tutorial.

  • SMART-FILM: Can I order a special cut?

    For technical reasons, it is unfortunately not possible to order a liquid crystal frosted film with a specific cut (round, half-round...).

    You can order it as a square or rectangle, with exact dimensions.

  • Is frosted liquid crystal film suitable for bathrooms?

    Yes and no. If you want to fit a window in your bathroom that faces directly outside your home, this is not possible.

    However, if your bathroom window faces another interior room in the house, it's possible! Just make sure you apply the film on the outside of the bathroom.

    Unlike other frosted films, LCD film runs on electricity. Humidity can therefore affect its longevity.

  • Is it possible to choose the cable exit side?

    Yes, it's possible, you can put it on top, bottom, left, right... In any case, our sales department will contact you when your order is placed. You can specify it then.

  • Can I connect my film to a switch or home automation system?

    Yes, it's possible. Just ask an electrician about the connection.

  • Can I control several films in the same room with a single remote control?

    Yes, you can. You have two options:

    • You control each film independently of the others. You'll need 1 current transformer per film, and therefore one associated remote control per film.
    • Several films can be connected together on a single transformer, allowing them to be controlled at the same time by a single remote control. The capacity per transformer is approximately 25m².
  • How do I remove a frosted liquid crystal film?

    To remove a frosted liquid-crystal film, first unplug the system, then remove it in the same way as a conventional adhesive film.

  • Do frosted films affect the brightness of a room?

    No, if you choose a translucent or white frosted film, you won't notice the difference.

    In concrete terms, with a measuring tool there may be a small variation in brightness, but imperceptible to the naked eye. This is one of the advantages of frosted film, unlike mirror-effect film! 😉

    Be careful, if you order a tinted frosted film (gray, black, blue, red, etc.), the passage of light may be affected. In this case, you may lose a little luminosity.

  • What's the difference between white and translucent frosted film?

    White frosted film will be slightly more opaque than translucent frosted film.

    For example: with a translucent film like DEPOLI-301i, you'll be able to see that there's someone behind you, but it'll remain very blurred: you won't be able to tell whether it's a man or a woman.

    With a white frosted film like DEPOLI-300i, you won't notice anyone's there.

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