written by Alice O.
How do I remove tinted windows?
How do I remove tinted film from car windows?
Since January 1, 2017, motorists with non-regulation front tinted windows have been liable to a penalty. This can result in a fine of up to €135 and the loss of 3 points.
To comply with regulations, tinted films must let at least 70% of visible light through.
Removing tinted film from front windows by a professional usually costs around a hundred euros. Remove your tinted windows yourself to save time and money !
Changing your front tinted windows to comply with the law: 3 steps to follow.

Remove the tinted film
1. Catch the film in a corner of the glass. You can use a new cutter blade or a window scraper.
2. Once you've started to peel off the tinted film in one corner, pull gently to remove all the adhesive film.
During this stage, you can use a hair dryer or heat gun. This will soften the glue by heating the tinted film from the outside of the vehicle.
3. Don't make any sudden movements to avoid cracking or tearing the film, which would make this step a little more complicated.

Cleaning the glazing
When removing tinted film, there's a 50/50 chance that the glue will remain on the glass. To remove glue residues, we recommend using a glass scraper andsoapy water.
To help you, you can use warm or hot water. This will help soften the glue for easier removal.
There's also a removal solution that acts like a real anti-adhesive on the tinted film glue. This tip will make tinted window removal much easier. 👍

Installing compliant films
Check that all impurities and glue residues have been removed.
Once that's done, you can apply your new legislation-compliant film to the front windows 😉
And now you' ve removed your tinted glass and put on a new one ;)
You can also use this procedure to remove the tinted film from the rear window. Other films exist to secure this part of the vehicle, or make it more aesthetically pleasing! Take a look at our tinted car films 🔥

We advise against the use of abrasive solutions such as acetone or ammonia. They are sometimes recommended for removing tinted glass, but they are not very suitable.
First of all, these products damage your vehicle, as they tend to attack plastics and trim. What's more, the use of abrasive products can dissolve the glue in the new car film.