August 02, 2023
written by Alice O.
Adopt the style of these influencers
For inspiration, or to reproduce exactly the same thing ;)
Your favorite influencer may be right here!
Many of our customers love testing our products, whether they're renovating or redecorating their interiors, or looking for protection from the sun or the heat.
Are you curious to see the results or to find out what they have to say about our products? Luminis Films ? Find out more about their work below.

Jdécor x Luminis Films
See you at Jérémy' s (@jdecor) for a great project!
For the past few months, you've been able to see on Instagram and Youtube, that he's been actively renovating the house he bought. Bathrooms, bedrooms, floors... you name it.
He was keen to do all the renovation himself, and Luminis Films was keen to help him with the work on his kitchen.

Beauté Active x Luminis Films
In her latest YouTube video, Caroline (@beauteactive) reveals her new favorite solution for protecting yourself from prying eyes in the bathroom: 2-in-1 one-way mirror and heat protection film.
A DIY enthusiast, she chose to install her window films herself. Read about her experience with us.

Mon tout mon toit x Luminis Films
In addition to testing and approving Luminis Films products, Eléonore (@montoutmontoit) joined us for a moment to create an exclusive capsule collection !
Our structured brown oak-effect adhesive has totally revamped her kitchen, which is now modern and full of character.
Eléonore is a fan of DIY and publishes the vast majority of her content to help her subscribers implement simple and original tips for reusing your objects.
You're on social networks and your content is deco/reno oriented?
Let's make a project together!
Your community will surely be delighted to discover decorative adhesive coating, which is gradually becoming a practical and economical essential in interior renovation. 😃