written by Lisa M.
How do you plunge a room into darkness despite the presence of windows?
Just like in a movie theater!
You need to plunge your room into darkness, but unfortunately it has glass walls and curtains just won't do! Instead of thinking about putting up a wall or plugging up your windows (which you may well regret), why not call on Luminis Films?
Opaque film: incredibly effective, it could be mistaken for drywall!
Luminis Films opaque films are applied directly to your glass walls, and thanks to their total opacity, they don't let any light through at all. Available in mirror, black or white, they can replace a wall, plunging your room into complete darkness. Less definitive than a solid partition, you'll be able to remove your opaque film with ease!
Need help choosing your opaque film?
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Stop light from entering:
If you want to completely block out light from a glass wall, you need to choose an opaque film that lets 0% light through. This film reproduces the "wall effect" perfectly, bringing comfort and privacy to your room. However, before installing an opaque film, be sure to ask about the risk of thermal shock. Opaque film absorbs a great deal of heat when placed on a glass wall in contact with the sun. This can cause the glass to heat up and break.