August 29, 2023
written by Alice O.
What tint should I choose for my tinted windows?
To be stylish and up to standard, follow our advice.
Tinted glass not only adds comfort to your interior, but also enhances the style of your vehicle. To meet every need, you need to know which tinted film offers the best answer. Find out in this article how to choose the right tinted window film.

The sun protection film for cars to protect yourself from the sun
For protection from the sun, the ideal shade is medium black tinted film . AUTO-020i. When the temperature rises outside, tinted glass rejects 37% of solar energy.
This solar film helps maintain a pleasant temperature in the passenger compartment. What's more, this tinted film reduces glare by 75%, offering your passengers greater comfort. This tint is perfect for tinting your vehicle's rear side windows and rear window.
Focus on AUTO-020i medium black tinted film

Tinted window film for privacy
Tinted car windows are also used to hide from view. It's an excellent solution for protecting your passengers and cargo from prying eyes.
Choose dark black tinted film AUTO-005i. By letting 5% of light through, this solar auto filmtotally blocks the view from outside to inside.
For simplicity and complete protection, our solar film kit is the best option to ensure excellent driving comfort.
Focus on AUTO-005i dark black tinted film

How do I know if tinted windows comply with standards?
The regulations governing tinted windows are very clear. Driver and passenger front windows must let in at least 70% light to maintain good visibility.
If your film tint exceeds 30% or more, you risk a €135 fine and 3 points off your driving license.
To comply with the law on tinted front windows, we offer you the ultra-clear black tinted film AUTO-070i. Allowing 84% of visible light through, this solar film for cars can be legally installed on front windows.
Despite its clarity, this auto-tinted film rejects 15% of solar energy and eliminates 99% of UV rays. It considerably slows down the fading process. This window film also retains shards of glass in the event of glass breakage and prevents injury.