written by Lisa M.
How can we limit the propagation of high-frequency waves?
For my health and that of others
High-frequency waves are invisible, but they're there! More and more medical studies are showing the damage they cause: headaches, difficulty concentrating... Don't wait any longer to improve the health and comfort of your occupants by limiting the propagation of high-frequency waves!
Anti-wave film: innovation in the service of health
Thanks to their specific composition, Luminis Films anti-wave films block up to 90% of the waves passing through the room in question! So the waves don't have time to reach you, and stay outside. What's more, this film barely changes the appearance of your windows: it's as discreet as it is effective!

Blocking high-frequency interference:
Invisible, high-frequency waves can, in certain cases, have dramatic consequences on our health if overexposed. Thanks to the metal particles that make up Luminis Films' anti-wave film, you can get on with your daily life without worrying about the propagation of waves. In fact, these metal particles create interference that blocks the progression of high-frequency waves in the room where the anti-wave film has been positioned.