written by Alice O.
How does anti-cold insulating film work?
All you need to know about anti-cold thermal film in this article.
The first chill of autumn arrives, the heating goes back on and winter is fast approaching.
Looking for a solution to insulate your home from the cold? You've come to the right place!
Anti-cold insulating film for windows is an economical and effective solution. It's an excellent compromise for households that can't change their woodwork immediately.
Find out how it works in this article.

Why is insulating film important?
Home insulation is a major issue these days. Builders and public buildings are making their infrastructures "greener" and more responsible. The aim is always to meet today's challenges.
With this in mind,window insulation is an important issue. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to replace their windows and joinery! Several thousand euros may be needed to change everything.
So if you want to limit heat loss from your windows without changing them immediately, here are 3 reasons to opt for thermal insulation films:
- Improve your home's insulation: The whole family will be more comfortable inside 😌
- Save money: Avoiding heat loss means limiting your heating consumption 🔥 Your bill will thank you!
- Becoming more responsible: Limiting your heating consumption is good for the planet 💚
Our range of anti-cold thermal films
To spend a warm winter, and avoid heat loss due to glazing. ❄️❌

How does anti-cold thermal film work?
Our thermal insulation films are composed of several very thin layers, each with its own specificity. The composition of each film is listed in its associated data sheet.
Their purpose is to block the passage of heat-carrying rays, sending them back to where they came from. A bit like a "boomerang" effect! 😉 This effect is produced by the metal microparticles present in the film.
There are several types of film, each with a different percentage of heat loss and emissivity* coefficient, depending on its composition. Metal particles can also have an impact on film color, and the associated light transmission.
We recommend ordering samples to get a feel for the product in your environment.
Note also that these films are fully effective on single-glazing and old double-glazing (over 20 years old). For others, the film will be effective, but the percentage of heat loss will be lower :)
*The emissivity coefficient is the ability of a film to emit radiation from one surface to another. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the more heat the film will transmit.

How do I install an insulating film?
Anti-cold insulating film is installed in the same way as conventional window film. Note that it must be installed indoors.
There are a few things to bear in mind when planning for a successful installation:
- Equip upstream with an installation kit
- Read the installation instructions included with your film.
- Watch the installation videos on our YouTube channel.
- Prepare the surface meticulously so that it is perfectly clean.
- All you have to do is get started!
Be careful when applying ISOL-170i thermal film 👉 It has all the advantages of an anti-cold film (brightness and efficiency), but is rather fragile. To apply it correctly, don't hesitate to use the protective liner between the flask and the film.
Découvrez notre tuto d'installation d'un film pour vitre > ici < ⚒️

Can the anti-cold film be removed?
You can remove your anti-cold window film at any time when you no longer wish to use it. It's easy to do:
- Gently pull back one corner of the film.
- Spray the underside of the film with soapy water to cancel out the glue's action.
- If traces of glue remain, you can remove them with a scraper.
Please note that these films are not electrostatic. They are adhesive films, for one-time use only. If you remove them, you won't be able to use them again! So be sure to use them with care 😉

How do I maintain my thermal film?
Thermal insulation film requires the same care as any other adhesive film. To keep it in good condition, you can dust it and wash it from time to time with a soft microfiber cloth andsoapy water.
We advise you to avoid abrasive chemicals. They could damage the film, and you won't enjoy it as long. Prefer gentle, natural products. 💚